Sir Henry Luther Leclair
How did you obtain your pet?
I saw Henry listed in a Friends of Homeless Animals advertisement in a pet sitting newsletter, and from the moment I saw his face I knew he was meant to be part of our family.
How old is your pet?
Henry is about 11 years old.
What’s your pet’s favorite pastime?
Henry loves to wrestle with our other cats and is fond of eating.
What is your pet’s favorite toy?
Henry’s favorite toy is a burlap fish on a string that a friend gave him for Christmas.
What is your favorite thing about your pet?
Henry is a person in a cat’s body. He loves to snuggle in bed, adores all cats, and greets people who come to the door.
If your pet had a super power, what would it be?
He would magically find a home for all homeless kitties.
Why does your pet love about Caring Hands Animal Hospital?
Henry thinks Dr. Todd has a crush on him, and loves it when the staff tells him he is cute and a good boy.