Macy Jacoby – English Springer Spaniel
How did you obtain your pet?
Waggin’ Tails Junction Kennel and Doggy Day Care Receptionist, Sandy Stinson.
How old is your pet?
Macy will be six years old on March 26, 2015.
What is your pet’s favorite pastime?
Being silly, playing agility with her mom.
What is your pet’s favorite toy?
Macy’s favorite toy is anything that mom throws for her to retrieve. She loves my garden gloves, balls, and Frisbee As a puppy she liked to eat paper boxes and paper. On occasion, she sneaks paper on the floor of my office and starts munching. She also loves to play “What can you do?” This is a game to use w/a clicker (click and treat) to teach new tricks and/or new behaviors. It makes the dog think.
What is your favorite thing about your pet?
She loves to play agility with me. When we first arrive at a trial, she springs off of me multiple times and starts barking at how excited she is to be there.
If your pet had a super power, what would it be?
Macy’s super power is here hyper sensitivity to me and how I’m thinking / feeling. As they say in the dog training world, how the handler is feeling goes straight down the leash to the dog’s neck….and the dog knows.
Why does your pet love Caring Hands Animal Hospital?
The entire staff is warm and caring to her and her big sister, Jessie, who is also a Springer Spaniel. Macy appreciates the follow-up calls from the staff the next day after an appointment to check on her status. The Jacoby Family appreciates the “caring hands” of all the vets, vet techs and staff who work with our family members. Macy was named Open Springer Spaniel of the Year 2013 by the Parent Club of Springer Spaniels, ESSFTA (English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association). Mike, Pam, Jessie and Macy made a road trip to Gray Summit, MO to the Purina Farms Campus to compete in the English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association 2014 National Specialty Agility Trials because Macy was named Open Springer Spaniel of the Year 2013. On Tuesday, November Macy qualified three out of four runs against other Springer Spaniels in her height class. Won Second Place in FAST Preferred 16” Second Place in Jumpers Preferred Jumping 16” First Place in T2B (Time to Beat) Preferred 16” Third Place in Novice Rally