Leroy Helbringer – American Pit Bull Terrier
How did you obtain your pet?
My cousins dog had puppies and I could not resist.
How old is your pet?
7 months.
What is your pet’s favorite past time?
Wrestling…. 🙂
What is your pets favorite toy?
Leroy loves his rawhide and/or his canine brother, Henry.
What is your favorite thing about your pet?
He is such a sweet boy- a great cuddler!
If your pet had a super power what, would it be?
Leroy’s super power would be the ability to heal through love and lots of kisses!
Why does your pet love Caring Hands Animal Hospital?
Each and every time we come to Caring Hands the staff ALWAYS makes a big deal about his arrival. Most animals feel nervous when they are in this environment, but Leroy loves his visits, even when the appointments are a bit uncomfortable.