Harry and Milo RobisonTurkish/Angora mix and Red Tabby

How did you obtain your pet?

Both are brothers and were adopted.

How old is your pet?

Harry and Milo are 7 years old.

What is your pet’s favorite pastime?

Chasing leaves and sunning themselves on the deck.

What is your pet’s favorite toy?

Flippity Fish

What is your favorite thing about your pet?

They are very sweet-tempered, trusting, and love people.

If your pet had a superpower, what would it be?

Both Harry and Milo constantly compete to be the best Rip Van Winkle Super Hero!

Why does your pet love Caring Hands Animal Hospital?

Harry and Milo sometimes get nervous when they are in the car and really love and appreciate the kind and friendly staff of Caring Hands Animal Hospital and get comfortable quickly when they see where they are.  They also appreciate the reminders they receive for their appointments and required periodic health care.