Rocky Mims – German Boxer
How did you obtain your pet?
My neighbor in South Korea didn’t have much help in taking care of Rocky. So after having two 18-month-old kids, he said it was just too much for him and was going to put Rocky into a kennel since the original owner already had a boxer and could not handle two. So I took him!
How old is your pet?
21 months old.
What is your pet’s favorite pastime?
He really enjoys long walks.
What is your pet’s favorite toy?
Anything he can tear into pieces. He really likes pink toys though. LOL
What is your favorite thing about your pet?
He really try to do the right thing.
If your pet had a super power, what would it be?
He would be Professor X from the X-Men. He is a total mind reader.
Why does your pet love Caring Hands Animal Hospital?
Rocky loves everybody, almost. Caring Hands introduced him to his FAVORITE dog food.